An equilateral triangle and a parallelogram lie on the same base and between the same parallel lines. The area of the parallelogram is 200*root(3) sq cm. What is the length of the side of the triangle?Explanation: Two triangles with the same base and between the same parallel lines will have equal … Continue Reading about GRE Geometry – same base, same height
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Consider a planet P1 (like earth) that is spherical in shape. It has an atmospheric layer around it that also takes the same shape as that of the planet. An adventurist launches a rocket from a neighboring planet P2 to this planet P1. The rocket cuts the atmospheric layer at point A, grazes the … Continue Reading about GRE Geometry – Planet Circles
When four is added to six times a number and the result squared, the result obtained is four times the square of the sum of the number and its next multiple. What is the number?Explanation:The question can be directly converted to an equation as follows.Let ‘n’ be the number.(4 + 6n)2= 4(n + … Continue Reading about GRE Algebra – Word Problems
GRE Verbal Online Preparation
The judge's standing in the legal community, though shaken by phony allegations of wrongdoing, emerged, at long last, _________. a) unqualified b) undiminished c) undecided d) undamaged e) unresolved f) unprincipled Correct Answer: B, D Explanation The use of the word “though” … Continue Reading about Sentence Equivalence
As ___________ head of the organization, he attended social functions and civic meetings but had no __________ in the formulation of company policy. (a) titular...... voice (b) (c) former.........pride (d) nominal..........competition (e) … Continue Reading about Text Completion Practice
GRE Prep Strategy
New GRE Quant Section
More than one answer correct Questions The new format of GRE has a set of questions that have more than one answer correct. The question may or may not specify the number of answers that are correct. You get credit only if you mark all the correct choices and none of the incorrect ones. Here … Continue Reading about New GRE Quant Section
GRE Text Completion Sample
How is the new GRE Text Completion different from the Sentence Completion of old GRE? The sentence completion questions of the old format of GRE, with suitable modifications appear as text completion questions in the New Format of GRE. In the older version, if a question sentence has two blanks, … Continue Reading about GRE Text Completion Sample