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Sentence Equivalence

The judge’s standing in the legal community, though shaken by phony allegations of wrongdoing, emerged, at long last, _________.

a) unqualified
b) undiminished
c) undecided
d) undamaged
e) unresolved
f) unprincipled

Correct Answer: B, D


The use of the word “though” establishes a contrast between the blank, which requires a description of the judge’s standing, and “phony allegations of wrongdoing.”

Thus the words that best complete the blank must indicate the judge’s reputation was not adversely affected by these allegations.

The only words that do so are “undiminished” and “undamaged”, which produce sentences alike in meaning.

“Undecided” and “unresolved” also produce sentences alike in meaning, but neither word makes sense when inserted into the blank.

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